vintage natural untreated jadeite/emerald jade diamond platinum ring - YouTube
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Chinese vintage natural emerald jade jadeite diamond platinum ring - YouTube
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Chinese vintage natural emerald jade jadeite diamond platinum ring. Buyer is welcome to send it to GIA to confirm its being natural and untreated.
The jadeite stone is imperial jade from an old jewelry piece, natural untreated. The platinum band with diamond is new.
Jadeite: 15mm * 11.5mm *8.5mm, approx. 13.39Carat
Diamond: approx 0.75Carat
Band: Platinum 950
The jadeite stone is huge, with almost no visible impurity or clots inside judged by naked eyes, highly translucent. Jadeite is very rare in such translucent state with no so few clots inside. A rare find!

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