Hungary 1900 Filler Gem BU H0056 combine shipping
Hungary 1935 2 Pengo silver H0095 combine shipping
Hungary 1938 5 Pengo silver H0080 combine shipping
Hungary 1941 BP 2 Pengo H0045 combine shipping
Hungary 1946 Forint H0072 combine shipping
Hungary 1976 200 Forint silver birth of ferencz rakoczi II horse knight BU0358 c
Hungary 1979 200 Forint silver proof international year of child (capsule broken
Hungary 2007 5000 Forint silver proof Zoltan Kodaly 125th anniversary of birth
I0066 Italy N B N 1863 2 Lire combine shipping
I0070 Ireland 1951 Florin combine shipping
I0073 Ireland Eire Proof 1990 10 ECU Animal Deer combine shipping
I0116 Iran 1927 SH1306 5 Kran
I0117 British India 1897 Rupee Bikanir combine shipping
I0118 British India 1876 1/12 Anna combine shipping
I0121 India 1943 Trambiyo Kutch UNC combine shipping
I0123 Italy 1905 2 Lira combine shipping
I0212 Israel 1960 5 Lirot silver combine shipping
Independent Kingdoms India 1902 1/20 Anna pudukkotta I0418 combine shipping
India 1890 circa Ramtanko temple token silver lustrous lord ram rare this grade
India 1950 ~60 Rupee pick R1 persian gulf issue reserve bank RC0170 combine sh